THE RABBIT HOLE GOES VERY DEEP: The intel is in and can be verified by court documents. Vice President Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana during enormous pedo rings trafficking children through the FBI, CIA and government officials in Indiana. Pence, is a longtime pedophile and was involved in massive child trafficking and child pornography rings in Indiana during the time he was Governor of that state. Indiana is proven to be a deep state stronghold for Satanic Ritual Abuse rings and multi-layered child-trafficking and baby-farm sales to the CIA, FBI and other government-related agencies.

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  1. Can’t wait to get the weirdos off the street. How sick! Yep the death penalty will work if there is torture. Who could harm a little child? The devil.and his family. Come Lord Jesus come.


  2. Can you please direct me to those court documents that verify this? I do believe this to be true but it has been extremely difficult to locate solid evidence other than the words of Tory Smith, Timothy Holmseth and Field McConnell. There are so many patriots that believe he is a white hat and refuse to even entertain the possibility despite Indiana being known as a hub for satanic human/child trafficking.
    Thank you so much in advance!


    1. I have had questions about Pence since he brought in Fauci and Birx knowing they were in bed with Bill Gates and his nefarious plans.Claiming to be a real Christian how could he not know when we see the evidence.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Apparently Fauci is Mother Teresa’s kid and one of the biggest child traffickers along with the Vatican & Pope


    1. If pence is satanic then does he have the power to make a choice of picking Biden or Trump to be president? And if you say that Saudi is mother teresa’s kid then what does That mean about Mother Teresa


  3. Your discourse just appeared in my on line feed. I found your approach to these Flynn / Pence matters extremely refreshing. Thank you. May I know your name please – just so I don’t keep thinking of you as ‘that man’.
    Regards Amanda. Qld . Australia


  4. Yes, it makes sense now! Someone has something on him and I think that’s why he didn’t send those fraudulent votes back !!! I think he’s a satanic pedophile that sold his soul to the devil and will expose him if he benefits the republicans. He deserves death for treason, along with all the other Epstein and elite pedophiles in pedowood !!! Praying truth will surface real soon! Either Trump stays president, or expect the end of times to start sooner than later (not necessarily a bad thing!) … Trump will need a new VP! Lord please expose their monsters that rape and murder children, and people please watch politicians especially that preach to be Christians, they boast and are all about talk and don’t live by it, for image. I pray for the people who are being abused and these monsters are exposed and more people see the TRUTH. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


  5. I have known this for 4 years, try telling this to loved ones that have no idea and dont want to know. If it was true it would be on the news 😬
    An awoken soul from the UK.
    Enjoying the US movie so far x


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