THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY: The term “CONSPIRACY THEORY” is a creation of the CIA, designed to denigrate and marginalize the people who disagreed with the ridiculous Warren Report on the assassination of American president John F. Kennedy. The government needed the American people to believe in their single shooter “magic bullet” theory, and they needed that shooter to be Lee Harvey Oswald. Anyone who dared to disagree was labeled a “conspiracy theorist!” You must see it to believe that former president George Herbert Walker Bush was connected to the assassination of JFK. Once you see this documentary, there should be no doubt in your mind that it’s true. The evidence is overwhelming and as the author of this documentary, John Hankey says, “If we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life.”

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      1. Bush Sr was definitely executed by Rommel Death. He had two choices. Sing like a bird and choose your form of death or refuse to sing and die a long, slow tortuous death. He sang. Same with No Name McCain.


    1. Well I remember it. It was no doubt that he was executed. But everyone thought it was Johnson. It was obvious that Oswald was set up. If John Jr had lived, he would have gotten President. That’s why he was murdered. Yes, murdered.


  1. So whats going to be done about it and when? Was Bush Sr. Really executed or did he really die of his illness? Where is Bush Jr.?


  2. Taking the heat off the Wall Street Banksterbergs and Bankstersteins who feared JFK’s printing of the U.S. dollar and planned ban of the privately owned Federal Reserve.


  3. The Bushs. Johnson are responsible for JFKs death. They hated him and did not want him to come to Texas. Now today, look at traitor George W Bush. He has slithered to the Democrats to keep he and his family’s crimes secret just like Killary, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Shifty and the other congress devils. This is why our country is so screwed up. Trump is trying to save it but they dont want it saved. They are socialist, communist and anti-God. They are dirty sewer filth


  4. Kennedy.had. Knowlege. Of. The. Attempt. Of. The. New. World. Order. Back. In. The. 60. That. Explains. The. Denacratic. Party’s. Actions. Today


  5. What’s the POINT of KNOWING the FACTS when the RULERS of this poor planet will CONTINUE with their horrific crimes..UNLESS the ALMIGHTY stops one will/can!!..soooo..let us PRAY to Our Creator ..HE is the ONLY One who can banish EVIL!!


      1. Trump godson him protect us from all evil our government is so crooked and dirty American people don’t stand a chance is Democrats are crooked and George W Bush Senior was a very bad man it’s all about power and all about making money and getting their way like the Clintons. Are very bad people there has been so many people killed and secrets covered up about the Clintons makes American people sick I read a lot of books on the Kennedys I always said it was the CIA killed him I could figure this out when I was 16 years old and it took them this long to finally tell the truth you know our governments crooked thanks God for Donald Trump he’s going to save us working people in America Trump 2020 stay safe you better hire the best bodyguard you can fine I do not trust the CIA or the FBI


  6. the crime continues with george w. bush and vice president chenny, chenny was tied to halliburton the company that was awarded the contract without bidding to supply us troops in middle east war. halliburton is a subsidiary of a german company, again a german tie


  7. Sounds real. But, JFK was wrong about the UN. It’s been a big failure, for world peace. It’s beuracratic bloated hater, of the USA.


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