ILLEGAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF: Barack Obama will soon admit to having been born in Kenya, in an attempt to avoid being prosecuted for treason. It’s already been proven that his birth certificate is a phony. Q has even said that he will claim Kenyan citizenship to keep from being charged for treason. Now, if he claims Kenyan citizenship, that means he was a false president, in which case every decision this man has made is now null and void, including the two Supreme Court justices!

Read More: https://www.democraticunderground.com/100212015449


  1. I am so glad things are going to happen soon. The President has suffered unnecessary persecution from the beginning of his term. Once this is is all over he should be given the time Back that was wasted!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Obama is a filthy Muslin traitor and has committed treason… I believe that the act of treason is still punishable by hanging… I would like nothing more than to see the proper punishment come from this… Obama and his husband have been a shit stain on this country that will never go away… Build the gallows…

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, treason is punishable by death, and Q has assured us of this. Secret Military Tribunals are taking place as we speak, and Obama is no different. He will be stripped of the presidency. Like Mark Taylor has prophesied, TWO WILL BE TAKEN AND THREE WILL BE SHAKEN!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’ve said for the past two years that Barack Hussein Obama (Names A Dead Give Away,Such & Unamerican Name!)Wasn’t Born In America!Ever Since I Heard Him Say On U-Tube:”Only In America Could A Boy From Kenya Using Guile & Deceit Become President 0f The United States”. To A Group 0f People In The Round 0ff Country.Why I Didn’t Believe,I Heard It From His Own Mouth.


      4. Definitely 💯 ” 4 ” more
        Year’s after his next term n get the job done the way he👀 wants 🇺🇸💪🇺🇸😎✌ KEEPING AMERICA THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH


    1. Well if he is going to make this desperate move to escape being hung for Treason..Why don’t we just hang him for being a SPY…..Because in fact that is exactly what he was…


    2. I think he should be given back the time that has been lost by these unethical Socialist Communist.. This is not who Americans are not by a long chance .. We Americans have always accepted the person who was voted in even we were not particularly fond of them. ..In my Book President Trump is the best Ever .. Next would have been Jack F Kennedy .


      1. We accept them if they show us a true Face But If you want to lie to the American People and we find out about it , you better be on your best Horse out of town. When we accept you we do it in good faith, But if you stab us in the back, all hell will break loose


      2. Yes, John F Kennedy was a great President also went by Jack. Many do not know this fact as the years pass.


    3. It’s absolutely pathetic and ridiculous that this monster or anyone else thinks that suddenly claiming Kenyan citizenship will make what he’s ALREADY DONE somehow not treason.
      He already illegally ran in and won the presidential election. He ALREADY, along with hitlary and others, committed many, MANY acts of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, threw us and our allies the bus, on a daily basis over two long, painful to watch terms. He ALREADY did it, deciding to claim his stinking Kenyan citizenship and admitting to being a liar and back stabber all along is far too little, FAR TOO LATE.
      If he’s allowed to do this and avoid prosecution AFTER THE FACT, NOBODY on this earth will EVER take this country, its laws, Constitution, rights, military or leadership seriously again. Try them ALL FOR TREASON, EVEN FOR WHAT THEY’RE DOING RIGHT NOW against a duly elected, perfectly sane (although clearly eccentric) president.
      He deserves what every other treasonous president would get. Period.


      1. But if he claims Kenyan citizenship , can his citizenship be revoked and him kicked out of the United States?


    4. Indeed! And all this Deepstate Corruption needs to be brought out Tried I a Tribual Court and imprisoned Or Executed for Treason…This Deepstate Corruption goes back 56 year’s Since the Deepstate took out the Kennedy’s, King, Malcom X anyone coming against their Evil Agenda OWG and their plan to go to War and bring Drugs and weapons into all Black Demographics to Arrest and enslave in prison 80% of our Prisons in America are Black men leaving fatherless children all for an Evil Evil Evil Agenda never no jobs in these Demographics yet the Evil Demonrats promise the world and deliver welfare prison and fatherless children no jobs just crime. Follow the Wars follow the Drugs! Afganastan 18 years we’ve been there the war ended in 2009! Why? Are our Military still there? It doesn’t take 10 years to Train a Government! These Criminals Liars theives extortionist and Murderers need to be Executed for Treason…


  2. With all the “aid and comfort” he gave to our enemies (20% of our Uranium to Russians; billions in CASH to Iran without Congressional knowledge or approval; etc., etc.,) I think he still can be charged with treason, or at the least, foreign espionage!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am thinking of writing a book on the Obama’s. His name is Barry Soetoro AKK Barrack Obama and Michael Lavaughan Robinson AKA Mitchell Obama once played
    Food Ball for Organ State.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. If all of this is true, then he needs to take the consequences, whatever they may be. He was a fraud upon our country – placed by ‘others’ we apparently do not know, but who have protected him like a newborn son.


  5. Obama needs to be procuted for ever lie,
    He told .Be stripped of all benefits,pay back all the money he sent you to foreign country’s all assets sold. Including mansions, ships,planes, and rot in prison for the rest of his petifitic life in a
    4×4 cell and no windows.


  6. Yeah our government never put a stop to him and he served two terms… how does this even happen or get a start? No one knew this in the entire government system… such bullshit… we are all sheep led around to believe whatever.


  7. Reblogged this on prizmgirl and commented:
    Now, if he claims Kenyan citizenship, that means he was a false president, in which case every decision this man has made is now null and void, including the two Supreme Court justices!


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